2020 年德国纽伦堡国际嵌入式展圆满落幕!
纽伦堡嵌入式展自 2003 年创办至今已迎来第 18 届。作为一个专注于嵌入式技术的国际性展会,它反映了该领域的发展趋势。 每年超过 1,000 家参展商汇聚纽伦堡,展会涵盖嵌入式系统各个方面的尖端技
纽伦堡嵌入式展自 2003 年创办至今已迎来第 18 届。作为一个专注于嵌入式技术的国际性展会,它反映了该领域的发展趋势。 每年超过 1,000 家参展商汇聚纽伦堡,展会涵盖嵌入式系统各个方面的尖端技
2020 年 1 月,我们美国公司的同事 Nick McCarty 参观了 国际消费类电子产品展览会(International Consumer Electronics Show,简称 CES),整
Software Release Name: BSP-Yocto-FSL-iMX7-PD18.2.1 Release Date: February 26, 2019 Changes in the re
About the demo The Machine Learning at the Edge demo built by PHYTEC showcases a practical Object Cl
It’s trade show season! Every year PHYTEC America joins our German counterparts from our headq
PHYTEC is proud to announce that www.phytec.com has a new look. After gathering valuable feedback fr
The Internet of Things, or IoT, has been a household name for some time. Edge Computing and Machine